Friday, September 29, 2023

Windows PowerToys: Power Up Your Workflow with Free Utilities


 Windows PowerToys: Power Up Your Workflow with Free Utilities


Windows PowerToys is a set of utilities and tools designed to enhance the user experience on Windows operating systems. Developed by Microsoft, PowerToys offers a collection of handy features and shortcuts that can significantly improve productivity and customization options for Windows users. Here's a closer look at some of the key aspects of PowerToys and how you can make the most out of this powerful software suite:

1. Launcher:

PowerToys' Launcher is a fast and efficient way to launch applications, files, and folders on your Windows system. To use it, you can press Alt + Space by default (you can customize this shortcut) to bring up the Launcher. As you start typing, it dynamically filters and displays results, allowing you to quickly launch the desired item. You can use arrow keys to navigate through the search results and press Enter to launch the selected item.

What makes Launcher powerful is its extensibility. You can use plugins to extend its functionality. For instance, you can use web search plugins to directly search the internet from the Launcher.

2. FancyZones:

FancyZones is a window manager utility that helps you create custom window layouts on your desktop. When you drag a window, it will automatically snap into the specified zones. You can define different layouts for different tasks. For example, you could have a layout for video editing with a large space for your editing software, a zone for your file explorer, and another for your web browser.

FancyZones is highly customizable. You can create your own layouts or choose from predefined ones. This tool is especially beneficial for users who work with multiple applications simultaneously, allowing for a more organized and efficient workspace.

3. PowerRename:

PowerRename is a Windows Shell Extension for bulk renaming files. With PowerRename, you can search for specific text within file names, replace it with another text, or even use regular expressions for advanced renaming tasks. This is incredibly useful when you have a large set of files with inconsistent naming conventions and you want to standardize them.

4. Image Resizer:

The Image Resizer tool is a simple yet effective way to resize images. You can right-click on one or more images and select 'Resize pictures' from the context menu. This opens a dialog where you can choose from predefined sizes or set a custom size for the images. It's a quick solution for resizing images without having to open an image editing software.

5. Keyboard Manager:

Keyboard Manager is a powerful tool for remapping keys and creating custom shortcuts. You can remap keys so that pressing one key produces the effect of another key. This is particularly useful if you have a non-standard keyboard layout or if there are specific keys you rarely use and want to assign them different functions.

6. PowerToys Run:

PowerToys Run is a simpler version of Launcher. When activated (by default, it's Alt + Space), you can start typing the name of an application, file, or folder, and PowerToys Run will display the best match. It's a lightweight and fast alternative to the full-featured Launcher, perfect for users who prefer a more minimalistic approach.

7. Color Picker:

The Color Picker tool allows you to identify the color code of any pixel on your screen. When active, you can hover your mouse over any part of your screen, and it will show you the color information. This is especially useful for designers and developers who need to match colors precisely, ensuring consistency in their projects.

In summary, Windows PowerToys provides a comprehensive set of utilities that cater to different user needs, ranging from quick application launching and window management to file renaming and color picking. Its customization options and user-friendly interface make it a valuable addition to any Windows user's toolkit, enhancing productivity and streamlining various tasks.


Windows PowerToys stands as a versatile and indispensable toolkit for Windows users seeking to enhance their productivity and customization options. Its array of features, from the efficient Launcher and organized window management with FancyZones to the streamlined file operations through PowerRename, cater to a wide spectrum of user needs. The ability to resize images swiftly, remap keys with Keyboard Manager, and precisely pick colors with ease adds further value.

PowerToys' strength lies not only in its diverse functionalities but also in its user-friendly design, making these powerful tools accessible to both casual users and power users. By empowering users to streamline workflows, organize desktops, and simplify complex tasks, PowerToys significantly enriches the Windows experience. As an ever-evolving project backed by Microsoft, users can expect regular updates and compatibility with the latest Windows versions, ensuring a reliable and continually improving toolset for optimizing their Windows workflow. Whether you're a designer, developer, or simply someone looking to boost efficiency, Windows PowerToys stands as an invaluable companion, offering a smoother and more tailored Windows experience.




Thursday, February 2, 2023

5 Amazing Sites that Pay $50 to $500 per Article

5 Amazing Sites that Pay $50 to $500 per Article 


 Are you looking for websites where you may begin writing internet articles for pay? If you earn a living writing articles, you can work from home. There are fresh job advertisements that enable article writers to earn money every day. Being able to write and earn money online can be immensely gratifying. You can choose to work with the customers or websites that most interest you.
You'll discover that freelancing work portals are really helpful because employers frequently post new positions. Simply register as a writer and browse job posts is all that is required.

 #1. Strong Whispers: $50 — $150

 A variety of articles regarding culture, the environment, and other social issues are available to users of Strong Whispers. The spectrum is broad. Your involvement is unlimited. Various topics can be covered in articles, such as corporate greed, education reform, a shift in global leadership, and letting the people govern and decide how we treat the environment and exploit resources. You can write article write articles about the culture, environment social issues and you will get paid $50 to $150 per article based on article quality. Although article earnings are flexible, they normally range from $50 to $150 for each piece published. For the perfect content, they are willing to pay extra, and the website wants to publish two to three guest posts each month.

 #2. $100 — $200 

 In essence, is a humor website. is an excellent opportunity to make some additional money writing articles if you’re humorous, smart, or creative. No prior knowledge is required. This is a fantastic way to monetize your blog, provided the content is quality. You can speak with the editors directly. They publish articles, photoshopped images, infographics, and videos. You may choose. When you sign up for the website, selecting the writer’s workshop takes you to the message board where authors can submit their writings. They typically pay $100 at the time of writing. But they pay you $200 when you complete your five post. 

#3. Michelle Pippin: $50 — $150 

  Michelle Pippin is seeking for content that will aid small businesses in boosting their revenue, stature, or impact. A large audience can get Michelle Pippin’s crisp and excellent business and marketing articles. This can be a site to take into consideration if you have any original writing, a brilliant concept, or a hack for the business or marketing area. While the site primarily focuses on women in business, it also offers a balanced selection of articles on marketing, case studies, entrepreneurial resources, and articles on profit. It also often updates with news stories about the business world. The website has a sizable audience and offers a diverse selection of content on marketing and business. Your articles should go beyond the bare minimum, but they shouldn’t be overly technical as if they were being written for a peer-reviewed publication. Michelle will count on you to do the research, and if it gets published and seen by her members-only audience (which is a print edition), you’ll probably get paid more. The average business or marketing post on the site has roughly 800 words. 

#4. Watch Culture: $25 — $500

 Each month, Watch Culture makes its news, commentary, and entertainment coverage available to millions of users worldwide. As a UK-based online publication, it covers the current zeitgeist. Numerous writers make money every day by submitting articles on a variety of topics to their steadily growing five million monthly readerships, including film, music, gaming, sports, television, and more. Every single week, contributors upload several hundred stories, some of which you may occasionally hear on Sky News, Metro Radio, BBC Radio, Dublin FM, and in the major newspapers. Their pay rate range from $25 to $500.

 #5. Wow Women on Writing: $50–100 

Wow, Women on Writing excels at one thing: caring for female writers, supporting them, and truly trying to provide possibilities for aspiring freelancers. Their varied audience is committed to delivering top-notch content for women. Wow, Women concentrate on freelance work, entrepreneurialism, and education. The articles are typically in-depth and created to assist writers in honing their craft and showcasing their work. You can choose to request payment via Paypal or, if you are in the USA, via check. Read other Wow Articles first. You should be familiar with the website’s tone. The website is enlightening, informal, and enthusiastic about exposing excellent writers. Make sure you are not simply rewriting their content or revising an old concept. Be innovative. A 3,000-word feature article can earn you up to $150 from Wow.

Windows PowerToys: Power Up Your Workflow with Free Utilities

    Windows PowerToys: Power Up Your Workflow with Free Utilities   Windows PowerToys is a set of utilities and tools designed to enhance t...